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Psychic Medium • Healer

Profound Healing

Blue dots curving up to down.

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Thank you for contacting Michelle Finnegan. By requesting a reading and/or scheduling an appointment with Michelle, you understand and agree that Michelle Finnegan is not giving any tax, legal or medical advice. Any information or guidance given by Michelle Finnegan is not to be used by you in lieu of any financial, medical, legal advice or diagnosis from qualified and licensed professionals within these fields. Sessions with Michelle Finnegan are intended to offer insight into your personal life and do not in any way provide medical, legal, tax or financial advice. Michelle Finnegan will not be held liable for any damages ensuing from the use of her website or the result of any session or appointment with Michelle Finnegan, what you choose to do with the information provided during sessions with Michelle Finnegan is your responsibility. For legal reasons these sessions are to be considered for entertainment purposes only.