About Michelle Finnegan
Psychic Medium • Healer

Profound Healing

An Evidential Medium

Giving The Gifts of Spirit

Michelle has had a wide range of contact with the spirit realms, however she specifically studied evidential mediumship. This means when she makes a contact with someone from the spirit world, she will give evidence of that person’s life here on Earth. Either through personality traits, shared  memories or specific things relating to whomever she is communicating with. It is her job to listen to and interpret all the information coming through  her and translate it as it is being presented. Often, a client will want Michelle to communicate with a specific person whom has died, as this is often the case, she cannot control who comes through from the spirit world. She can attune or open herself to the spirit world and receive the messages from those who step close to her and wish to communicate. Michelle has a loving and trusting relationship with her guides and the world of the spirit and understands it is an intelligent world and they have a greater understanding of the needs of the client and for all who may be touched by their communication. Having the opportunity to once again be greeted by loved ones from the spirit world is a sacred and extraordinary experience.

Psychic/Intuitive Readings

We all come to this Earth with a Devine blueprint and purpose in life. Occasionally you may feel stuck, off track or that you are not living fully in your purpose. You may feel as though you are lacking enough direction or insight to see the steps you need to take to move forward. Having the opportunity to sit with a Psychic medium may help you find the clarity you need. Psychic is derived from the Greek word Psychikos, which means “soul”. During a psychic reading with Michelle she will attune or connect with your soul expression and reflect to you what your soul already knows at a very deep level. Sometimes emotion or the logical mind get in the way and you can’t see clearly, Michelle can help you move past these blockages and have a better perspective. Each reading is as unique as you are in every moment, and can help you heal and grow spiritually and mentally. Allow your spirit to guide the way.

Scenic Park City

Park City, UT is a peaceful place to live and the perfect place to enhance your spiritual growth. Michelle Finnegan is a professional psychic and intuitive medium located in Beautiful Park City, Utah. Michelle has a wealth of knowledge and skill to provide the best experiences for her clients and assist them on their path. Whether you have serious questions that need to be answered or you just want to have some fun, a session with Michelle can be remarkably profound and meaningful. If you are unable to join Michelle in Park City, Ut, she is available one day a week in Salt Lake City or by phone.