Park City Psychic Readings
Psychic Medium • Healer
Profound Healing
A Healing Medium
As Michelle has developed her craft of mediumship over the years this has extended to the art of Spiritual Healing. Michelle has trained through Inner Quest Foundation (IQF) to offer spiritual healing. She serves on the international healing team through IQF to provide distant healing for those who have requested it. She will also provide individual healing when requested. As a healer, Michelle is aware of the power moving through her finding its way to the spirit of the recipient. Healing can take place on many levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Michelle is a well-rounded medium in the intuitive arts, because of this, a psychic or mediumistic reading with Michelle Finnegan is a multidimensional experience.

Psychic Readings
If you are unsure about the path you should be taking in life, a psychic reading can help you. Psychic readings are meant to offer guidance and direction. Michelle connects with your soul expression to interpret the energy of your life at the moment, and what your soul is calling for. Psychic readings can help you discover positive solutions for transformation, change and growth. Michelle uses her gifts of Clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience receive the information coming from your auric field, often in the form of symbolism, color and energy patterns, enabling you to perceive things in a new light. You will begin to have clarity over your life and the obstacles that are in front of you. Michelle’s awareness into the spirit world and your energy will help you to become the best you that you can be. She can help you to see the positivity and light in your life. A psychic reading with Michelle maybe a life changing oppertunity.
Mediumistic Readings
Mediumistic readings involve three parties, the communicator from the spirit world, the medium, Michelle, and the recipient. Michelle allows herself to move into an altered state of consciousness where she can blend with the spirit of those who have crossed over and receive information from them. Michelle then passes the information received to the recipient. The analogy is much like a telephone, although the Spirit world needs a human instrument to perform the task. Sometimes people may wonder “why would I want to talk to the dead anyway?” There is only one reason. LOVE. The bond of love can never be broken and is not lost when one transitions from this world to the next. Love crosses all space and time and can break the barriers of the two worlds. A connection with the Spirit world can help the recipient deepen their own knowledge and understanding, which in turn can help to bring healing and have a profound effect on their life.

Park City, Utah
Park City, Utah has a very high vibration and is a place where accelerated spiritual awareness can happen if allowed and intended. Michelle Finnegan has been serving the community of Park City and the surrounding areas for many years and has a wealth of experience in mediumistic and psychic readings. She has hosted many psychic and mediumship development workshops in the beautiful mountains of Park City. She has spent her life developing her abilities in many different working environments enabling her to deepen her understanding of the human condition. Her life’s work enhances her abilities to meet the needs of the client and assist in the healing process. Michelle is deeply connected with our Earth Mother and Creator and enjoys all of its many expressions here in Park City, UT. If you live in or are visiting Park City and are looking for answers, treat yourself to a session with Michelle Finnegan. She can assist you in many ways along your spiritual path.